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Clean Eating

Role of Diet

December 28, 20236 min read

role of diet

Did you know that you will get better results (more fat reduction) if you assist your body in the detoxification process and avoid taxing the body further during your treatment series?

 One way you can do this: maximize fat loss with diet

  • Just to be clear, you do not need to lose weight to lose fat as a result of your treatments.

  • The goal is to assist in eliminating the released fat produced by the treatments from your body to maximize fat loss from the treatments.

 In this article, you will find answers to these questions

  • What lifestyle factors can lead to storing more body fat?

  • What are the top 5 diets that best burn fat while maintaining muscle mass?

  • Which of the top 5 diets (or diet combos) is best to maximize fat loss?


Warning: these lifestyle factors can lead to storing more body fat (even while undergoing treatments)!

 It’s important to note, the same factors that drive our stress hormones upwards also drive our body to store fat.

 In other words, what makes our bodies store fat is directly correlated to what’s going on in our lives.

 Here are some lifestyle factors that lead to the propensity to store body fat

  • Lack of exercise or insufficient exercise

  • Alcohol consumption

  • Poor quality of personal relationships, i.e. tension, conflict, etc.

  • Job dissatisfaction

  • Feeling overstressed or overwhelmed

  • Lack of personal time

  • Poor quality sleep or insufficient sleep

  • Unaddressed allergies, i.e. foods, environmental, etc.

  • Exposure to toxins, i.e. environment, foods, etc.

  • Inadequate water intake

  • Sitting too much, sedentary job

While some of these lifestyle factors are within our control, other lifestyle factors are much harder for us to control…making DIET an even more important factor for best results for fat reduction treatments.

 What are the top 5 diets that best burn fat while maintaining muscle mass?

 The International Society of Sports Medicine recently reviewed piles of scientific studies looking at how different diets affect body composition, i.e. burning fat while also maintaining muscle.

 Here are their conclusions – the top 5 diets in no particular order.

 Low-Fat Diet

What is it?

This diet restricts fat intake, allowing only 20 – 30% of daily calories from fat.

How does it work?

The theory is that restricting fat intake will result in a lower caloric intake overall.

Studies show that switching to a low-fat diet can help the body lose fat quickly, but not necessarily long term.

What are the cons?

Sticking to a low-fat diet is difficult for most people.  Most people are unable to keep the fat restriction required.

 Low-Carb Diet

What is it?

This diet restricts carbohydrate intake, allowing just 15 – 40% of daily calories from carbohydrates.

How does it work?

Studies show low-carb diets can significantly reduce body fat.  Studies also show that the body learns to burn fat for fuel when limiting carbs.


Teaching the body to burn fat for fuel takes time, so the dieter may feel sluggish while adapting… and this time period can take up to several weeks.

Low-Calorie Diet

What is it?

This diet restricts the intake of total calories, usually allowing between 1000 and 1500 calories per day.  The actual number of calories per day depends on body size, gender, age and activity level.

How does it work?

Low-calorie diets create a calorie deficit in the body.  In other words, the dieter takes in fewer calories than she expends.  This calorie deficit leads to fat reduction and weight loss.


Deleterious metabolic changes can occur when dieters severely restrict calories over a long of period of time, such as slowing of the metabolic rate and chronic elevation of the hunger hormones.

 High-Protein Diet

What is it?

This diet requires that at least 25% of the daily calories be from protein.

How does it work?

Studies show that increasing protein intake can significantly reduce body fat and build muscle.  In essence, a high-protein diet often results in cutting carbohydrate intake.  Diets high in protein help prevent hunger and boost metabolic rate.


Consuming too few carbohydrates may cause the dieter to feel sluggish.  And dieters must be watchful to avoid the overconsumption of processed meats and too much saturated fat.

Ketogenic Diet

What is it?

This diet severely restricts carbohydrates, allowing just 10% of daily intake from carbs.

The diet further dictates protein intake be 10-30% of daily intake.

And the diet requires daily caloric intake of fats to be at 60-80%.

How does it work?

This diet produces a state of ketosis after a few days.  Ketosis is a process that happens when the body burns fat for fuel at a high rate.

 It’s important to note that most people can burn fat without being in ketosis.  You don’t need to go as low in carb intake as the ketogenic diet requires in order to burn fat.  


This diet is very strict and many dieters find it hard to comply.  And can be unhealthy – these dieters often consume an unhealthy amount of saturated fats as well as low fiber content in their diets.

 Which diet (or diet combo) is best for you and why is your diet during the treatment series so important?

 Double duty on the body

Your body must not only eliminate the released fat from the treatment, but it must also process the fats, carbs and proteins you are consuming in your daily diet.

 So…which diet or diet combo is best for you to follow during your treatment series?

Remember, your goal with your body contouring diet: to assist you in eliminating the released fat from your body to maximize fat loss

The recommendation: a combination of diets:

  • Low-er carbs

  • Low-er fats

  • High-er proteins

  • Low-er calories

Why?  Let’s break it down.

 Low-er Carbs

  • Reducing carb intake encourages the body to burn fat for energy.

  • But instead of reducing all carbs, you should focus on avoiding processed carbs like donuts, pastries, candies, chips, crackers, fries, pasta, etc.

  • And avoid sugars, i.e. sweet teas, sodas, high fructose corn syrup, etc.

  • Focus on getting carbs from fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Low-er Fats

  • There’s a limit to how much fat the body can use for energy or process for elimination, so you want to use caution to avoid adding too much dietary fat while undergoing treatments.

  • The body can more effectively process and eliminate the released fat from fat reduction treatments when you consume just a small amount of fat (which also must be processed and eliminated).

  • Steer toward healthy fats like olive oil and avocado oil and away from saturated fats and trans fatty acids.

  • Eliminate fried foods.

 High-er Proteins

  • Diets high in protein have been proven to reduce fat.

  • Eat lean meats, fish and eggs.

  • Avoid processed meats like hot dogs, lunch meat, etc.

  • Eat legumes, nuts, beans, and lentils.

 Low-er Calories

  • Be mindful of total caloric intake.  Ensure the calories taken in do not exceed the calories expended on any given day.

  • A slightly reduced number of calories per day encourages the body to burn fats for energy.

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