
There are so many options available for body contouring that it can sometimes feel overwhelming! Read below to find answers to some of the most asked questions about our Cryo services.

What is fat freezing and how does it work?

Introducing The Cryo-Lean 360™ Fat Reduction, the newest and most advanced non-invasive technology on the market. Unlike other treatments, Cryo-Lean 360™ freezes and kills fat cells while tightening skin and toning muscle at the same time! Achieve a slimmer, more toned appearance with no pain, surgery, or downtime. Due to it’s non-suction design there is no pain. The face/ neck tightening treatments naturally boost collagen production and speed up cell turnover for a youthful appearance. No Botox, no fillers, no needles. A series of treatments is recommended for best results.

How is Cryo Lean different than Coolsculpting?

Both localized Cryo Lean treatments and Coolsculpting are similarly effective. The primary difference between the two is cost, efficiency, and method. Cryo treatments are much shorter treatments than CoolSculpting, but they do require more sessions for similar results. One treatment of Cryo Lean is 35 minutes versus CoolSculpting is 1-3 hours.

Coolsculpting only requires 1-3 treatments but with that comes the biggest difference: cost. The price of a CoolSculpting treatment depends on a number of variables, including size of the treatment area, the size of the applicator, and desired outcome. The cost typically ranges upwards of $5,000. Cryo Lean is significantly less expensive, with prices in the range of $350 a treatment and discounted package pricing. For the price, Cryo is the better choice.

Whichever method you choose, you can be sure that you'll be receiving a safe and effective fat loss solution. Just remember, both Cryo Lean and CoolSculpting treatments should be no means replace traditional diet, exercise, and healthy living!

What happens during my appointment?

When you first arrive for your appointment we will discuss if you are a good candidate for these treatments and also talk about the area(s) you would like to work on. We will take a look at the area(s) of concern. Depending on your concern and general fitness and beauty goals, a service will be recommended that’s right for you. The actual treatment is a relaxing and painless service that includes big benefits for your body and overall health.

Is it safe?

Yes, it is very safe. The cooling system is controlled by a temperature sensor and the temperature is controlled in real time on the device's screen. The operator will monitor the temperature at all times. In the event of a malfunction, the device alerts the operator by sounding a tone and displaying an error message.

Why do people like it?

Clinical studies show up to 10%-20% permanent fat cell reduction in the treated area

Noticeable slimming effect

More desirable contours

Inch loss

Slim down without the price tag or recovery time

What are the benefits of localized cryo therapy?

Our Cryoskin treatments offer two main benefits: toning, and skin rejuvenation.

Toning happens due to thermal shock, improving circulation and producing healthy collagen. Even one Cryoskin toning session can have anti-aging effects.

Skin rejuvenation happens due to decreased cellulite, smaller pores, improved circulation, and stretch mark reduction. This is considered an overall benefit of Cryotherapy in general.

Who shouldn't do it?

Contraindications to treatment:

Raynaud’s syndrome

Allergy to cold

Pregnant women

Uncontrolled diabetes


This is just a brief list. Your specialist will go over all of the contraindications with you at your consultation.

How often can I do a Slimming or Toning treatment?

The frequency for slimming treatments is 1 treatment every 14 days for slimming treatments. There is a physiological reason for this. When apoptosis occurs and fat cells die, waste is formed and these cells need time to leave the body. They will be eliminated by your body’s lymphatic system. Your body’s circulatory system has a pump: your heart. But the lymphatic system does not. It needs you to move your body in order for it to work at its best. We do not want to overload your body’s lymphatic system. Otherwise it can’t do its job properly. This is why we wait two weeks between treatments.

Toning treatments can be done once or twice a week depending on your preference and schedule. With the toning treatment we are targeting increased circulation and collagen production as well as tightening of the skin. There is no fat cell death in this treatment so there is no need to wait 14 days between treatments. This is an ideal treatment for cellulite.  

How often can I do a CryoFacial treatment?

For clients under age 45: 1x per week for the first 5 sessions, then maintain as needed.

For clients over 45: 1x every 3-4 days for the first 5 sessions, then maintain as needed.

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Can I work out before or after?

Please refrain from working out before your treatment as it will be more difficult to bring your body temperature down to where it needs to be for an effective treatment. Please DO work out after your treatments. The more movement and sweat you can do, the better results you will have!

What do I need to bring?

You don’t need to bring anything with you to the appointment except the best possible diet and lifestyle to accompany the treatments, especially drinking plenty of water.

Please follow these steps to prepare for your Cryo Slimming treatment to achieve maximum results:

Please DO NOT EAT or DRINK any sugar, foods that contain sugar or carbohydrates that convert into sugar (ex: fruit, juices, bread, rice, pasta, etc…) 2 hours prior to your appointment time.

Try to avoid working out or doing anything that increases your body temperature at least ONE hour before your session.

Within 8 hours prior to your appointment, consume at least 64 ounces of water.

Within 12 hours after your appointment, consume half your body weight in ounces of water.

How does the treatment work?

The treatment works by triggering the phenomenon of apoptosis (cell death) of your fat cells. Fat cells are particularly susceptible to the effects of cold and can be destroyed while surrounding tissue is left unaffected. This homeopathic treatment is specifically made to target fat cell death.

Do I lose weight with this treatment?

Body sculpting is just that, it sculpts your body and you likely will lose inches. This is not a weight loss regimen; however, it is very common that there is weight lost during the treatment series because of fat loss through Cryo treatments as well as diet and exercise. A healthy lifestyle is strongly encouraged in order to see best results and maintain results over time.

Is it going to make my skin look younger?

The Cryoskin treatment produces thermal shock due to its ability to alternate rapidly and automatically between periods of skin warming (up to 40 degrees) and cooling (down to -8 degrees). This phenomenon causes a very strong increase in the local metabolism and an acceleration of microcirculation which are both responsible for the production of collagen. The collagen brings elasticity and tightening to the skin and makes it possible to visibly combat skin aging.

Who is the best candidate for Cryoskin treatments?

Cryo Lean and Cryo Skin treatments are best for individuals who are within their ideal weight range but have pinchable fat, those who engage in regular exercise, eat a healthy diet, have noticeable fat bulges, are realistic with their expectations and are willing to maintain results with a healthy, active lifestyle. This treatment is a therapy to reharmonize the body’s curves. These treatments are not an alternative to a healthy lifestyle. It is best if they are incorporated as part of your healthy lifestyle.

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How quickly will I see results?

The first results are generally visible from the first session and often very encouraging. However, it should be noted that the best results appear after a series of treatments.

Slimming: 14 days after initial session

Toning: 48 hours after session

Facial: Instant result

How long do the results last?

Depending on the individual and depending also on their lifestyle and diet, the results last several months or several years. Overall, it is advisable to continue 2 or 3 sessions 6 months after the end of your treatment series to maintain results. Your provider will talk with you about what is best for your individual body and goals when it comes to maintenance.

Can I do anything that enhances the treatment?

Yes, you can by implementing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet.

What is unique about facial treatments?

Facial treatments utilize thermotherapy which is the use of cold temperatures to rejuvenate and smooth the skin. This therapeutic facial massage treatment delivers temperatures between -2 degrees Celcius up to +4 degrees Celsius and produces the following effects:

Accelerates biochemical reactions, increasing the oxygen and nutrient supply to the tissue.

Stimulates the production of collagen, improving the elasticity of the skin.

Firms muscles which retract with cold.

Lasts for several months with only a few sessions.

How old do I have to be to receive treatments?

15 years or older.

Why can I not eat sugar for 2 hours after?

Sugar is a strong power source for fat cells. Fat gets its energy from sugar. Cold weakens and retracts the adipocytes but if you eat sugar, that will give these cells immediate energy so the apoptosis effect will be less efficient or even not work at all. Be careful, when we talk about sugar, we talk about all kinds of sugars. Slow sugars are pasta, rice, bread, cereals, etc…) Fast sugars are what you think of when something is sweet. If possible, avoid all kinds of sugar for 4 to 5 hours before and after your treatment session, but 2 hours at a minimum to get results.

Why is this effective for treating cellulite?

The treatment causes vasodilation in the treated area. This increases blood flow which results in increased collagen production. Collagen helps to break down cellulite but, cellulite will return if there are no changes in diet and exercise. Maintenance sessions are strongly encouraged for cellulite.

Is there anyone you would advise not doing it for other reasons other than contraindications?

Sometimes morphologies and metabolisms do not provide the expected results. It is also very often observed that clients who do not see success with Cryo treatments are due to very poor diet/lifestyle or have undeclared medical conditions.

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